
Governors are appointed by ASSET Trustees. Their role is to support school leaders in making the school the best it can be by providing support and challenge. Governors meet twice a term and also regularly visit the school to speak with staff and pupils. 

Ringshall School is part of ASSET Education. Find out about the Trust, Governance and Trustees by looking at the ASSET website

The minutes of LGB meetings can be made available for public viewing by request to

Our current governors are:

Andrew Steer - Chair of Governors 

Contact - 

James Gough- Headteacher 

Richard Simcock

Karen Bradford (Safeguarding Governor)

Caroline Goodchild

Alan Braybrooke 

John McMillan

Becoming a school governor

ASSET Education are actively looking for people to be school governors. You don't have to be an expert in education or a parent; almost anyone can help. Being a school governor brings with it a real responsibility and a sense that you are able to contribute to the good of schools and pupils. It's a worthwhile task, but before offering to help it would be good to consider what it entails by reading our governor's information.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact

What qualities are needed by school governors?

The below are available on the ASSET Education website by clicking this link