Assemblies are an important part of our school curriculum offering. They provide a fantastic opportunity to build a strong sense of community within the school. They also help reinforce our school's ethos, which is communicated through our curriculum drivers, values and vision. Assemblies help us develop our school identity and provide us with many varied learning opportunities, including a way for children to further develop their cultural capital.
Our programme of assemblies are below:
Monday: MyHappyMind - The MyHappyMind weekly assembly is delivered in class by the class teacher. It is a series of interactive style 20 minute lessons. MyHappymind is an NHS back programme that is based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves! It includes journaling, happy breathing regulation exercise and class discussions and much more - see our MyHappyMind page on the website for more details.
Tuesday - Pupil voice assembly - using 'votes for schools' software, the chidlren discuss and then vote on a topical weekly issue.
Wednesday - Learning Impact Discussion assembly (LIDs) - children discuss their previous learning and develop their thinking on how they learn best.
Thursday - Celebration and reading champions assembly - Celebrating children that have shown a great learning mindset that week and promoting reading using our KS2 reading champions to recommend books to the children.
Friday - RE assembly (10.00) - Mr Green, Mr Steward or Pastor Ishmael. Live music singing assembly (2.45).