PSHE/RSE Curriculum
What is PSHE
PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education is a school curriculum subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. PSHE education helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain.
What is RSE
RSE is the statutory curriculum for relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education. At Ringshall we teach it within the PSHE subject using the Kapow scheme of work to support teacher planning.
Click here for an overview of our RSE and PSHE curriculum from Kapow - Kapow RSE and PSHE overview
RSE: Relationships and Sex Education
RSE has been compulsory in schools from September 2020. Please click on the link for some information from the government about this compulsory framework: government guide for parents
Aims of our RSE curriculum
We believe that our RSE approach helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives, in order to become informed, active and responsible citizens. The work we do in this area is taught explicitly and it lies within our PSHE curriculum. It also flows through all other curriculum areas and is regularly an area for learning as children negotiate their way through school - in their relationships with others, their tolerance and understanding of differences, their developing awareness of themselves and how they fit into a wider local and global community.
Ringshall RSE policy is in our policies section.
Click this link to take you to the RSE Curriculum Policy
Kapow Primary's Relationship, sex and health education guidance for schools

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
In the Autumn term of 2021, the Department for Education (DfE) released new guidance for schools on tackling sexual abuse and harassment by children. This came about due to an Ofsted review which highlighted the scale of the problem. The guidance sets out ways in which schools should address this important issue. At Ringshall School we recognise the need for a whole school approach to tackling sexual harassment and sexual violence, such as within our behaviour policy and safeguarding procedures. But also addressing sexual harassment and sexual violence directly, through explicit teaching via our curriculum. We believe our PSHE education is the key area where this topic can be successfully addressed.
Most reported cases of sexual harassment in school occur in secondary schools however, primary schools still have a significant role to play in tackling this issue. In most cases children in the primary school will not be taught directly about sexual harassment but lessons will teach related areas such as positive relationships, gender stereotypes and seeking help. We believe that it is vital that all our staff understand how these lessons build to support children in forming positive relationships and ultimately contribute to the prevention of sexual harassment.
Please see below for a guide from Kapow on how this issue is addressed in the PSHE curriculum at Ringshall School. Please note we also address sexual harassment and sexual violence within e-safety learning and on an ad-hoc basis through our behaviour and safeguarding procedures.