Ringshall in the news

Ringshall pupils talk politics on BBC Radio Suffolk Kids Talk

Ringshall OFSTED success makes the paper
We are going to be in the paper again. It's in print next week (Bury Free Press) and online already.

Mr Gough on ITV Anglia News
Mr Gough made an appearance on ITV Anglia news today 6.11.23 to talk about the importance of parental involvement in their children education.
Apache Attack Helicopter landing on the school field headlines an incredible careers day at Ringshall School and makes it onto Suffolk Radio and into the Anglia Daily News - 18.7.23
The children were treated to the wondrous sight of an Apache Attack helicopter landing on the school field to mark the start of Ringshall School's careers day.

Ringshall makes the newspaper again
Mr Gough was quoted numerous times in an article for the East Anglia Daily Times which talked about rural schools and why they were such exciting places to learn. Click on the image and have a read yourself.
Ringshall made the newspaper for world book day celebrations 13.3.23
This week's East Anglia Daily Times features pictures of our amazing world book day celebrations. Grap a copy or see it on our twitter feed.
Victory in our long running fight to ensure our service families get the bus pass they are entitled to 17.2.23
We is delighted to announce that the council have finally agreed to our demands to re-assess the route from Wattisham Airbase to Ringshall School. They did this during half term and, as we told them the would, they found sections of the route dangerous. This means that pupils living on or around the base can now apply for a bus pass on safety grounds.
Quotes from the article in the East Anglian Daily Times which reported our victory;
Rachel Hood, Cabinet Member for Education, SEND and Skills, said: “It is good news that a positive outcome has been found and eligible children will now receive free bus travel to school.
Maria Rusivakula’s four-year-old son was among the children from Wattisham Airfield who were turned away from the bus last week. “We’re going to be here for a couple of years, and this is really going to help my son’s independence.”
“This is wonderful news,” said Mr Gough. “Families will now be able to apply for a bus pass on safety grounds.”
Front page news - Our fight for a bus pass for our families living on or near the base has made the newspaper. 11.2.23
It's been a week of hard campaigning at Ringshall School. We have been in contact with many high profile figures in the community, the council and the army to support our campaign to get the route from the Flying Station to Ringshall school declared unsafe. If this happens then our children will get the bus pass they need and are entitled to.
Our local MP, the head of the local authority and the defence minister are among the many influential figures we have contacted to support our cause. And now we have made the paper with a front page headline and a wonderfully supportive double page spread. If this doesn't help the council to see reason, I don't know what will.