

At Ringshall School our priority is to ensure that ‘all children become fluent readers.’ Being able to read is an essential skill and something that helps children throughout their lives. Reading is also something that brings pleasure and is great for our mental health. This document outlines our homework expectations, with reading being our main focus, and helps explain how you can support your child at home. 

Homework expectations.pdf

*All reading that you do together should be recorded, by an adult, in the reading record.

Children may also wish to do extra home learning linked to their topics at school. This can then be shared at school with their teacher and class. We always love seeing children’s passion for learning that continues outside the classroom.

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF) These will be sent home at the beginning of each half term. If the year group’s KIRF are not appropriate for your child, the teacher will send home an alternative.