Welcome to Ringshall Primary School
The home of the active uniform.
'Pupils are happy and proud to attend this school.' 'The curriculum promotes academic success. Pupils also seem to have a lot of fun in the process.' OFSTED December 2023
Wrap around care (Breakfast and After School club) - Click for more information
Free bus pass for all children living on or around Wattisham Flying Station
Please watch a short video about our school and a video of an Apache Attack helicopter landing on our school field for careers day

Click below for more information on MyHappyMind
Our Twitter Feed
For all the latest news and to share in our school community why not follow us on Twitter @RingshallPS

Ringshall has signed up to ‘Book Wish Lists for Schools’
Book wish lists are a quick and easy way to buy books for your local school courtesy of the school community. If you would like to help us boost the Ringshall School Library, please click on the link below or scan the QR to the right - there are no shipping charge.